Mastering Light and Color Measurement: Essential Guide to Choosing the Ideal Imagine Colorimeter

Have you encountered the following issues?

  • Difficulties in Selecting the Right Imaging Colorimeter?
  • Lack of Understanding about the Influence of Noise on Measurements?
  • Uncertainty about Color Accuracy and Different Filtering Technologies?
  • Limitations for Measuring High Contrast Devices?
  • Difficulties in Identifying and Mitigating Sources of Error in Measurements?

Looking to get accurate light and color measurements for the products your business produce? Download our FREE guide and discover how to choose the perfect imaging colorimeter adapted to your business needs. Learn about the different types of sensors, filters and lenses, and how these components impact the accuracy and efficiency of your measurements.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Gain a solid foundation in imaging colorimetry
Improve product quality
Expand technical knowledge
Save time and avoid costly errors
Achieve accurate and efficient measurements
Improve product quality
Gain a competitive edge
Access expert insights
Optimize quality control processes

This guide:

✔ Provides a detailed explanation of the different components of an imaging colorimeter, including the sensor, filters, lenses and control electronics.
✔ Explains the main sources of noise in imaging colorimeters*, including thermal noise, readout noise, shot noise, and pattern noise.
✔ Provides a detailed comparison of Bayer color filter and tristimulus filter wheel systems.
✔ Defines the concept of dynamic range and explains how it affects the colorimeter’s ability to measure high-contrast devices.
✔ Presents a detailed table listing the most common sources of error in imaging colorimeter measurements.