Color & Appearance Measurement
Popular within research and manufacturing environments, our high performance, precise color measurement solutions help organizations formulate, evaluate, and control color to meet product quality and operational goals more efficiently. To see which solution best fits your application and operational needs, please browse through our selection of colorimeters, spectrophotometers, gloss meters, software and light booths below.
Portable Spectrophotometers

The CM-16d is a vertical portable spectrophotometer designed to be simple to configure and use. It is ergonomically designed to be easy to grip and is designed to be used in various measurement scenarios, including one-handed work. Stress-free hardware design improved visibility with a slight tilt of the operation screen, and a comfortable workspace with wireless connectivity.

The CM-17d is a vertical portable spectrophotometer designed to be simple to configure and use. It has an electronic viewfinder for easy positioning and is excellent for measuring small samples and curved surfaces. It is ergonomically designed to be easy to grip and is designed to be used in various measurement scenarios, including one-handed work.

CM-M6 Multi-Angle Spectrophotometer
The CM-M6 is a portable multi-angle spectrophotometer especially designed for color measurement of metallic or effect paints, such as pearlescent coatings, which can exhibit a noticeable visual change with specific angles of view.

CM-25cG Portable Color and Gloss Meter
The CM-25cG is a compact and lightweight portable spectrophotometer with 45°c:0° geometry and a true high performance 60°-gloss-sensor.
Bench-Top Spectrophotometers

Spectrophotometer CM-3700A Plus
Expanding on the performance and reliability of its predecessor, the benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3700A Plus is an advanced measurement instrument designed to precisely evaluate the color and appearance of opaque, transparent, translucent, and fluorescent samples.

Benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3700A
The benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3700A is a top-of-the-line measurement instrument designed to precisely evaluate the color and appearance of various samples.
Chroma Meters / Colorimeters

CR-410C Coffee Index Colorimeter
The CR-410C handheld coffee colorimeter is specifically designed to measure the color of whole green beans, roasted beans, and roasted coffee using industry standard measurements.

CR-410T Tomato Index Colorimeter
The handheld CR-410T tomato colorimeter uses a USDA approved index to measure and grade the color of processed tomato products.

CR-410FF French Fry Index Colorimeter
The handheld CR-410FF French fry colorimeter is an extremely accurate instrument for measuring the color of cooked French fries.

CR-410PB Peanut Butter Index Colorimeter
The CR-410PB handheld peanut butter colorimeter measures the color and quality of both peanut butter and whole roasted peanuts.

BC-10 Plus Baking Contrast Meter
The BC-10 Plus is a handheld, portable colorimeter designed to evaluate the color of baked, fried, smoked and processed foods as well as ingredients in various environments to ensure consistency in appearance.
Gloss Meters

Novo-Gloss Flex 60 Gloss-meter
Measure the gloss of small surface areas, surfaces with curvature and hard to reach surfaces. This gloss-meter is Ideally suited to low gloss finishes
Color and Appearance Software

SpectraMagic™ NX2 Color Data Software
Effortlessly manage and control colors with ease, whether it is measuring incoming raw materials, monitoring in-process production, or ensuring the quality of color-critical finished goods and materials.
Light Booths

CMB-2540 Premium Controlled Lighting
The CMB-2540 is designed to help you evaluate and communicate color with absolute confidence. Multiple light sources provide an essential tool for visual color match assessment, comparison of color variation, and detection of metamerism.

GLE-M Luminaire Controlled Lighting
The GLE-M Luminaire Controlled Lighting provides highly accurate light source control simply by pushing one button. The control panel on these luminaires provide easy-to-use, automatic light source sequencing as well as instant on standardized light source selection.