Discontinued Products

LumiCol 1900 – 2-in-1 Imaging Colorimeter for Fast and Precise Display Characterization
The LumiCol 1900 is a 2-in-1 device, combining an RGB CMOS sensor for fast 2D image acquisition with a spot colorimeter for precise tristimulus color measurements. The colorimeter measurement, performed in a spot in the center of the acquired image, is used to correct the values derived from the CMOS camera, guaranteeing colorimeter precision across the 2D image. As a result, the LumiCol 1900 enables a fast, but still precise characterization of the whole display area in one shot, making it ideal for automated production and quality control.

CAS 140CT-HR – High Resolution Array Spectroradiometer
The high-resolution CAS 140CT-HR is based on Instrument Systems’ high-end array spectrometer CAS 140CT, a product line that has achieved extraordinary success around the world.

As an imaging measurement system, the LumiCam 2400 captures the luminance and color distributions of screens or multifunction displays within seconds. It provides 5-megapixel images which present the spatially resolved measured values coded for luminance and chromaticity. The LumiCam 2400 models are perfect for versatile automotive test applications, e.g. measurement of luminance and color distributions of displays and control elements or uniformity analysis of flat panel display screens in car interiors.

Benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3600A
The benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3600A is a high-reliability and high-precision instrument that can deal with a wide range of applications.

SpectraMagic™ NX Color Data Software
Used in conjunction with a Konica Minolta Sensing spectrophotometer or colorimeter, SpectraMagic NX is a software program designed to record color measurement results and provide a more detailed analysis of a sample’s color.

CAS 140CT Array Spectroradiometer
The CAS 140CT is a singular design, and is the only array spectroradiometer to incorporate an optical density filter wheel.

CS-1000A/S/T Spectroradiometer (spectral type)
The portable Konica Minolta color meters are in their element when not only the brightness but also the color of light is to be measured.

CM-508c/CM-503c Spectrophotometer
CM-503c has a 3mm measuring area for measuring small specimen areas such as printed materials or medicine tablets. CM-508c has a larger 8mm measuring…

CS-100A Luminance and Color Meter
The CS-100A Color and Luminance Meter is a portable tristimulus colorimeter for measuring any …