Food Technology Summit & Expo 2024
Stand 2212
Centro Citibanamex
Avenida del Conscripto No. 311
Lomas de Sotelo
México, D.F. C.P. 72260
2 y 3 de octubre, 2024
Exhibit Hall Hours:
Event Location:
About Our Event
Un Evento en el que encontrará lo mejor en capacitación a nivel mundial y un piso de exposición con la oferta más completa en proveedores de Ingredientes, Aditivos y soluciones para la Industria de Alimentos.
Featured Products

BC-10 Plus Baking Contrast Meter
The BC-10 Plus is a handheld, portable colorimeter designed to evaluate the color of baked, fried, smoked and processed foods as well as ingredients in various environments to ensure consistency in appearance.
Booth Staff

Danny Reyes
In 2012, Danny joined the KMSA team as a Service Technician with the goal to build smooth relationships for cross-cultural service centers in different countries of Latin America. Danny was also responsible for the training of instrument repair for new service centers for Latin America. In 2016, he was promoted to Applications Engineer and Technical Support for software/hardware in the United States as well as Latin America. Danny has acquired a broad experience in the industry from hardware, software, knowledgeable in troubleshooting hardware/software, applications, optical systems, and various applications of both Color and Light. In 2019 he assumed his new role as Sales Engineer for Latin America. He is fluent in English and Spanish, which has helped him to excel in his different positions.