To measure light radiation’s spectral characteristics, Instrument Systems optical spectroradiometers are the instruments of choice. Instrument Systems has a variety of optical spectroradiometers to meet any user’s needs or budget. Instrument Systems Spectrometers mainly measure UV-VIS spectroradiometry, luminous flux, LED production and LED radiation levels. More importantly, they provide these measurements at a fast rate, gathering data very quickly and efficiently. A number of models come with innovative features that allow the systems to be used universally in a broad range of applications and functions. These systems conveniently change into spectroradiometers when users attach absolute calibration and optical probes. It’s critical that these units maintain a high degree of accuracy and quality in order to return precise calculations of colorimetric, photometric and radiometric data through the built-in software. For these and other reasons, Instrument Systems continues to expand the leading edge of technology by committing the majority of its Research & Development work to this field.

CAS 125 Array Spectroradiometer
The CAS 125 from Instrument Systems is specially designed to meet the requirements of high-throughput 24/7 production applications. At the same time, it fulfills a wide range of measurement tasks in laboratory and development. The CAS 125 provides extremely short testing times, best optical performance!

CAS 120-HR and CAS 120B-HR – High resolution Array Spectroradiometers
The high resolution CAS 120-HR spectroradiometer is based on Instrument Systems’ high-performance array spectrometer CAS 120, a product line that has achieved extraordinary success around the world. The CAS 120-HR is particularly designed for the measurement of narrow band emitters, e.g. laser diodes. Therefore, the spectroradiometers combine the demands of high spectral resolution and short testing times for sophisticated and price-sensitive measurement tasks in production and laboratory environments.

CAS 140D Array Spectroradiometer
The CAS 140D represents the fourth generation of the worldwide extremely successful series of high-end array spectrometers from Instrument Systems.

CAS 120 Array Spectroradiometer
The CAS 120 is an appealing solution for cost sensitive applications like LED production and quality assurance.